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Summer Yoga Weekend

12-14 July 2024

The world is bursting with life, colour, sounds and sudden surges in growth! Summer is a time for action but it is also important not to run blindly through the days, important to stop and feel that steady pulse of life. So come join us in the idylic village of Altthymen for a weekend of yoga and connection.



Location: Oase- Altthymen (a small holding and community) in Altthymen village in North Brandenburg


Accommodation: Accommodation is in tents. Weather permitting yoga will be practiced outside in our garden/meadow. An indoor space will be used if necessary. The toilet is a compost toilet but there is an indoor shower for those who require it (although we recommend a swim in the lake instead!)


The Yoga: This is a light and sweet weekend of intermediate hatha yoga designed to give you the chance to press the pause button on your busy life and tune into how you are feeling. Our focus is on connecting to nature and thereby grounding ourselves in the here and now. The trees breath, we breath and together we are.


The Concept: Summer is a time for looking outward, growing and moving! Unlike our winter retreats which are much more process orientated, this weekend is a simple chance to move your body, breath some fresh air and run around bare foot! We will be outside as much as possible meaning you will feel truly immersed in the beautiful wild nature of our gardens and surrounding forests.


The weekend is also a co-created event meaning we will ask you to bring some food with you, help with cooking and washing up and generally open yourself to the community of your fellow yogis.


Schedule: The retreat begins on Friday at 16:00 and runs until Sunday at 16:00. There will be two yoga and mediation sessions a day plus a walking mediation, fire ritual and an optional trip to the nearby lake. There is also always the chance to do some gardening for those of you who want to get your hands in the soil!


Can I bring my family? If you have a small child who cannot stay at home without you feel free to bring them along with a partner/babysitter. They can camp for a reduced cost and follow their own schedule. It´s important however that you can focus on yourself during the retreat so make sure the babysitter/partner is truly able to provide you the space you need and take full responsibility for the child.


Getting here: Simply take the RE5 train from Berlin Südkreuz to Fürstenberg/Havel. From there it´s a 30 minuets bike ride through the forest or we can pick you up in the car.


Price: We want to keep this retreat as cheap as possible. For us to earn something, we need at least 5 participants. There is no limit on numbers so please spread the word and invite as many people as you can!


Minimum Prices:


  • Teaching: 80/person
  • Food: 30/person
  • Accommodation/facilitates: 20/person


TOTAL (suggested): 130-180


If your interested in what we do and how your money will be spent please check out of Instagram where you get an idea of the community and gardening work we are engaged in: @oase_altthymen.



Booking: Please contact me at to reserve a spot.